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We’re on track to set a new record for global meat consumption

The world is expected to eat more meat in 2022 than ever before. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization projects that global meat consumption will rise by more than 1.5% this year. The fastest growth will occur in low- and middle-income countries, where incomes are steadily climbing.


You're probably already in the meat business but we still thought we'd provide interesting tidbits of information about just what meat/protein is eaten by who, why and where the demand is growing.


Globally, we consume over 360 million tons of meat a year. The production of meat has doubled in the 30 years from 1988 to 2018 and increased four-fold since the mid 1960s. And production is expected to continue to grow. By 2050, global meat consumption is projected to reach between 460 million and a staggering 570 million tons.

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Globally, we consume over 360 million tons of meat a year
The production of meat has doubled in the 30 years from 1988 to 2018 and increased four-fold since the mid 1960s. And production is expected to continue to grow. By 2050, global meat consumption is projected to reach between 460 million and a staggering 570 million tons.

Meat consumption around the world
The consumption of meat varies widely between countries. The top meat-eating countries are

(kilos per person per year):
United States: 124 kilos
Australia: 122 kilos
Argentina: 109 kilos
New Zealand: 101 kilos
Spain: 100 kilos.

We’re on track to set a new record for global meat consumption


The world is expected to eat more meat in 2022 than ever before. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization projects that global meat consumption will rise by more than 1.5% this year. The fastest growth will occur in low- and middle-income countries, where incomes are steadily climbing.

In fact, global meat consumption increased by 58% over the 20 years to 2018 to reach 360 million tons. Population growth accounted for 54% of this increase and per person consumption growth accounted for the remainder. Per person consumption was influenced most strongly by changing consumer preferences and income growth.


In the 20 years to 2018 developing countries accounted for around 85% of the rise in global meat consumption. Between 1998 and 2018, Chinese consumption increased by 72%. This increase accounted for 34% of global consumption growth. Population growth has been the principal driver behind increased Chinese consumption of all meats. Indonesia accounts for only 3% of global meat consumption. However, the combination of population growth and strong economic growth between 1998 and 2008 resulted in Indonesian meat consumption more than doubling. Strong Chinese demand growth and land constraints on meat production increased global import demand for meat. These 2 countries are now major importers of meat.

In Australia and the United States, meat consumption increased over the 20 years to 2018 because of higher poultry consumption. In contrast, in Australia's major Asian markets, fish accounts for a much larger share of consumption. In Japan and Indonesia, fish is the dominant source of protein by a large margin. In China, pig meat is the most consumed meat, followed by fish. Beef, veal and sheep meat form a relatively small share of consumption in all Asian markets.

Meat consumption projected to increase


Worldwide meat consumption is expected to rise. This is largely driven by population growth and rising incomes in developing countries. Globally, white meat is expected to continue displacing red meat in consumer diets. However, red meat consumption in developed countries will remain strong for at least the next decade.

What is the most consumed meat in the world 2022?

1. Chicken. Chicken consumption is increasing faster than any other meat in the globe, whereas pork consumption is declining in even its most popular areas.
Chicken consumption is increasing faster than any other meat in the globe, whereas pork consumption is declining in even its most popular areas. Chicken flesh is a very nutritious food element that is easy to access, inexpensive, tastes nice, and has a soft texture. As a result, it is generally adored around the world and is frequently utilized to meet protein needs.
Every year, billions of chickens are produced in Canada, the United States, South America, Africa, and other countries.
Chicken meat is the most consumed animal protein by humans in 2022. So unsurprisingly, poultry is in high demand, with an estimated eight billion chickens consumed in the United States each year. Chicken’s appeal appears to be timeless, with annual consumption steadily increasing since the 1960s.
Chicken meat output will reach 148 million tons in 2022­–2023.

2. Pork. Pork is a popular meat in several countries, including China, America, Europe, and a number of Asian countries such as Vietnam. According to statistics, China produces the most pork, followed by the United States.
Pork is a good choice for food service since it is a cost-effective meat to produce, is high in protein, and is adaptable. Greater pork consumption in the food service industry leads to increased desire and demand for pork.
Pork is proving to be a really adaptable meat once again, due to an increasingly diversified population and the growing influence of Asian and Latino foods.
Pork can be found in many countries’ recipes, and with influence from those cultures rising in the United States alone, it’s no surprise that pork is becoming the meat of choice. Pork is the second most consumed animal flesh by humans in 2021, according to statistics. Pork output totaled 120 million tons in 2021.

3. Beef. Meat from bovines, particularly cattle, is referred to as beef in the culinary world. Cows, bulls, heifers, and steers can all be used to produce beef.
There are several cuts of beef that will provide you with a distinct taste and texture. Every year, millions of pounds of beef are consumed around the world. Beef is one of the foodstuffs of animal origin that includes nutrients in the form of water, protein, fat, minerals, and a limited number of carbohydrates. It’s one of the most popular in the world community.
In 2020, the United States was the world’s top beef consumer, followed by China, the European Union, Brazil, and India. In 2020, the United States accounted for around 21 percent of global beef consumption.
Beef is a ruminant meat with a large production worldwide in 2021, according to statistics. Last year, the world consumed over 65 million tons of beef.


4. Lamb. Lamb meat is derived from sheep that are slaughtered between the ages of one month and one year. Sheep meat, often known as mutton, is one of the most widely consumed meats in the world, with millions of pounds consumed each year.
The European Union is the world’s largest lamb consumer and importer, with Australia and New Zealand accounting for 99 percent of all lamb imported. Mongolia, Turkmenistan, New Zealand, Iceland, and Greece are the nations that consume the most sheep and goats. According to a report, the average Mongolian consumes roughly 50 kilograms of sheep and goat meat every year.
Turkey consumed 371 thousand tons of lamb and sheep meat in 2020, followed by Iran (325 thousand tons) and the Syrian Arab Republic (158 thousand tons), accounting for 63 percent of total consumption. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, and Bahrain trailed behind, accounting for 35 percent of the total.
It has a taste and texture that is comparable to goat meat. Overall lamb meat production in 2022 would reach over 20 million tons.


5. Goat Meat. Goat is predicted to be one of the most popular foods in 2022, and with good reason: it is the fifth most consumed meat on the planet. The leanest red meat available is goat flesh. One of the main reasons for this is that it is lower in calories and cholesterol than other lean meats like chicken and turkey. Goat meat is also lower in fat and saturated fat, but it includes more iron than beef and chicken, which is an important component of a healthy diet.
Goat meat is consumed by around 63 percent of the world’s population, and it is notably popular in South Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.
On the other hand, this meat has just recently begun to appear on restaurant menus in the United States. Goat meat is one of the most widely consumed meats on the planet. Goat meat contains a wide range of nutritional benefits.
In 2021, the overall production of goat meat would reach 12 million tons, according to statistics.

6. Turkey. Turkey is a huge fowl species that falls into the same category as chicken when it comes to white flesh. Turkey meat is slightly darker than chicken meat, but it has fewer calories. Turkey isn’t as common as chicken when it comes to popular varieties of white meat. Turkey meat is a product with consistent demand in North America, Europe, and Latin America, but per capita consumption varies by nation.
Turkey meat consumption is mostly affected by per capita income and seasonality. Hence, countries with a high quality of living generally consume more turkey meat per capita.
On the other hand, rising living standards and fast urbanization, rising popularity of western foods in Asia, and more attention put on decreasing fat intake have all contributed to a considerable growth in turkey meat production and consumption worldwide over the last decade.
The United States consumed the most turkey meat (2.4 million tons), accounting for 41% of overall consumption. Furthermore, turkey meat consumption in the United States was four times that of the second-largest user, Brazil (560 thousand tons). With an 8.1 percent share of total consumption, Germany (475 thousand tons) came in third. Israel (11 kg per person), the United States (7.36 kg per person), and Germany had the largest per capita consumption of turkey meat in 2021.
Turkey meat production is expected to reach over 6 million tons at the end of 2022, according to statistics.

7. Duck. Duck flesh is one of the meats that a lot of people enjoy. China, with 5.5 million tons consumed, continues to be the world’s largest duck meat consumer, accounting for 76% of global consumption.
Furthermore, duck meat consumption in China outstripped that of the world’s second-largest consumer, France, by a factor of ten.
Copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc are among the mineral components found in every 100 grams of duck meat and skin. Duck meat contains vitamins such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K, in addition to minerals.
The overall production of duck meat in 2022 will exceed five million tons.

8. Buffalo. Although buffalo are a species of bovid, their meat differs from beef in many ways.
In different nations, buffalo meat is referred to by different names. It’s known as red beef in certain locations, or buff in India and Nepal, and carabeef in others, after the Spanish phrase and breed designation Carabao. Buffalo meat has a reduced fat level and its fat is milky white, as opposed to the yellow-white fat of beef, which is one of the reasons for its increased consumption.
Buffalo meat is deeper in color and is the most widely produced meat in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Bulgaria, Italy, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia, and Egypt.
The entire production of buffalo meat in 2021–2022 should reach 4.9 million tons, according to statistics.


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