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Any Protein. Any Flavor.

Meat is delicious. Meat is nutritious. Global demand is soaring for good reason, and we must find a way to produce more of it. And to be more exact, we need to find a better way to preserve meat, and plant protein, that is all natural, tender and does not need refrigeration so it can be shipped and consumed in all four corners of the world.

That where TenderPro8 comes in.

You see TenderPro8 is a patented, all-natural, low-temperature, high-moisture meat pasteurization process that not only provides 2+ years of shelf stable, no refrigeration status for meat and protein, but also has the moisture content and soft texture and tenderness of a just cooked piece of meat.

TenderPro8 preserves any protein, with any flavor profile perfectly. Imagine, the tender meat texture your customers want without the refrigerated shipping hassles. TenderPro8 solves your problems.

Per capita meat consumption is projected to grow worldwide from an average of 34.1 kilograms from 2021 to 35.6 kilograms by 2031. As well as global population increases, demand will grow, driving up total worldwide me
at demand and consumption.

TenderPro8 will preserve any meat

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Any protein. Find out how.

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More Info

  • Stay tuned because as we grow, we will continue to add more delicious info about the revolutionary TenderPro8 Protein Preservation Process.

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